Business Issue: The client was in the early phases of development for a new product in an orphan disease market. As clinical trials were still being designed, they wanted to ensure they were prioritizing the optimal clinical endpoints in their clinical trial design. Furthermore, they wanted to understand the trade-off of various scenarios in order to verify that investment in clinical trials would be worthwhile given an array of potential outcomes.
Methodology – Cognitive BEST: Cognitive designed a multi-phase hybrid conjoint approach to meet the client’s objectives. Phase 1 consisted of qualitative in-depth interviews among Key Opinion Leaders, Payers, and Treaters in the field to ensure we developed a comprehensive attribute list that would meet the 4 “Rs” – Range, Realistic, Rivals, and is Recognizable. Semi-Structured Pre-Tests were conducted in Phase 2 to pressure test the online conjoint survey before fielding to a broader audience. Phase 3 utilized the BEST hybrid conjoint approach to test 21 attribute groups with over 100 individual levels. In the end, the results influenced the team to revise their clinical trial to focus on Progression Free Survival and a unique respiratory measure. An Excel-based simulator was also provided so that the client could continue to model numerous scenarios as clinical trials progressed.
Highlighting Cognitive’s Product Portfolio
- Industry: Life Science
- Consulting: Product Innvoation
- Product: Cognitive BEST – Conjoint – Test many product attributes with minimal limitations with a hybrid conjoint